
Lakeview Centennial HS Band Google Calendar

Please review this calendar and refer to it regularly when planning your vacations and special events throughout the school year and summer months. Attendance at rehearsals and other band-related events is mandatory and a major factor when making decisions regarding leadership positions, marching spots, and ensemble placements.

For further attendance questions, please consult our LCHS Band Handbook or email Mr. Hudler – Thanks!

How to subscribe to this calendar on an iPhone:

  1. Copy this URL for the Google Calendar:

  2. On your iPhone tap the Settings icon, then scroll down and select Mail, Contacts, Calendars.

  3. Select Add Account and select Other

  4. Select the Add Subscribed Calendar option, paste in the Google Calendar URL above in the Server box and click Next. Change any settings you see fit before saving the calendar. You do not need a username or password.